This page is dedicated to the small pieces of code that I have written over the years along with a description of what it is about. Please be aware that some of the projects here are still on-going and some of it was just not big enough to have its own project page.
This website
This website itself was originally much different, originally it was written to emulate a C++ program that was fully functional when compiled with GCC's C++ compiler. What I found out though was that most people were unable to navigate the website and while it was innovative and interesting it unfortunately did not help people get to know me or what I do. It is still online at, hopefully when I get a chance I will document the original much better and provide it online as a repository to be browsed on BitBucket.
The current version and files for this website are available online, it is built with, and a custom template and CSS. It uses some Python magic to build the side-bar in a certain order, and allows me to easily add/remove links for my social networking sites and others. The rest of the site is written entirely in markdown which is converted to HTML by poole.
Intel Assembly
UAT was offering a course in Intel assembly, and for the class we had to write our programs in a mixture of both C and inline assembly. However the instructor also was willing to let us write the programs in pure Intel assembly. At the time I really wanted to learn about Intel assembly and thus downloaded and compiled nasm for FreeBSD and learned how to interact with the kernel (to write messages to stdout) how the stack was created, how function calls interacted with each other.
Using the knowledge I created a program that is capable of adding two numbers together if they are passed as the first and second argument. This code still has the unfortunate side effect, that as soon as the numbers add up to anything bigger than the default integer size (4 bytes, 32 bits) it will give a wrong answer.
The class was also required to write a piece of code that converted a two's compliment hex value to binary. This was also an interesting challenge, and I found that when I allocated memory in the .bss of the program, depending on how the OS laid out the stack in memory the input of the program could be much bigger than it was originally intended to be.
SX28 Assembly Boe-Bot
The Boe-Bot from Parallax is a BASIC Stamp device, it is a robot that can be programmed using the PBASIC programming language. For one of our classes we were required to write a simple Boe-Bot like program in assembly which used whiskers and light sensors to do obstacle avoidance.